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Shelter (Four Elms)

Four Elms is a 19-bed, emergency shelter. Once your urgent needs are met, we connect you to Ontario Works, give you counseling, and help you find housing. If you are homeless, come to the door or call the program. If you are at risk of becoming homeless, call us.

Four Elms Residence
1675 Cassells Street, North Bay On
Voice: (705) 474-1031
Fax: (705) 474-1036
See a Google Map

Residential Services:

  • Residential Services include a 19 bed facility handicapped accessible for men, women and children who require short-term emergency accommodation due to varying circumstances. These circumstances may include family breakdown caused by violence or domestic disputes, drug and alcohol related problems, physical or mental health issues, lack of housing due to emergency situations (i.e. fire, flood), lack of income or employment and transient crisis.
  • Four Elms provides food, shelter and physical safety to residents in a home-like environment. Bilingual staff are available on a 24 hour basis to assist with the resolution of each individual's personal crisis.
  • Residents and Resource Staff prioritize problems and set goals for resolving the crisis utilizing other services and agencies within the community.

Non- Residential Services:

  • Non-Residential services include 24 hour crisis telephone lines that provide confidential listening and referral service.
  • 24 hour information and referral service.
  • Four Elms offers student field placements to a number of different college and university programs.